Star Wars Dogfight Prototype
ISSUE: Screen goes black randomly. No idea why.
Grave Accent (above tab) - Release/Capture Mouse
Space (Hold) - Take Off and Land
Mouse (Move) - Turn
Click (Hold) - Fire
Right Click (Hold) - Cinematic Slo-Mo
Shift (Hold) - Max Speed
Q - Drift
W - Fast Speed
S - Slow Speed
AD - Rotate
E + Mouse (Move) - Aim
R - Reset Aim
Z - Lock S-foils in attack position (X-wing only)
Tab - Get Out of Vehicle (no point currently)
All ship models were created by Daniel on Sketchfab
Several Particle Effects by Kenney
Sounds ripped from Battlefront 1/2
Created in Godot
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ohhh lets go
It seems to be not capturing my mouse for turning. i can start and take off. Firefox, not fullscreen.
Have you tried pressing the "`" key?